Tuesday, 8 October 2013


So, It has been 10 long months since I've written here, have you missed me?!

I have been away working on several different projects, which include writing for not one, but two new blogs, setting up a YouTube channel, having a few of my articles published for Nickelodeon, in the US, Canada and Australia, and going back to part time work, outside of the home.

Yep. I've been busy. But I'm back, and raring to go!

I am currently not on Twitter, but you can still find me over on Facebook by clicking this little linky HERE.
You can also contact me via this blog, by leaving a comment, or by emailing me via the contact page above.

Now what I would like to know is, what have you lovely lot been up to this year?
What would you like to see on this blog, now I'm back?

Details of my YouTube channel will be following shortly, for anyone who is interested.

Don't forget to like, comment, and share any of my posts that inspire you to do so.

Thanks for reading, see you all soon! xoxox